Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Eastbourne, East Sussex 2012

To be here again back in Eastbourne to talk to you all is both a joy and a pleasure.  Much has happened in our lives since we last spoke.  The world is doing its best to turn itself upside down.

You have all made some progress since we last were together, but it is not all light and progression that is masterminding this world of politics and aggression.

The simple truth is, that there is no abatement in the greed and lust that is driving Mankind, as a race, to the destruction of all that he has inherited over many millennia. 

The Greater Intelligence, whom many call ‘God’, is responsible for all Creation, both here on this earth plane of existence, where we currently all are, but also in the great Universal makeup of all that is.

When Mankind evolved from his most humble beginnings and took on a path of progression towards the light of understanding in everything that is good and holy, he found along the way many temptations and distractions.

Over the millennia these have not gone away, but have grown out of all proportion to their initial state of being.  This is simply because Man in his personal arrogance towards The Godhead has turned away from the light and joyous vibrations of love and peaceful coexistence in his pursuit of riches and self-aggrandisement.

The mechanism is very simple.  Everything in life is controlled by thought.  A good thought brings a fine vibration and once created, wings its way on through the Universe touching love and harmony wherever it goes.

Thought of darker emotions, such fear and hatred, are also vibrational, but are heavy and a fly out more slowly bringing error and confusion to all in their path.

Imagine for a moment, if you will, the types of vibrational energy that is being released in the Middle East, Africa and from the banking world of global finance.

It is not pretty and it can only be counteracted by the strength and love of good individuals, who care about their fellow man, woman and of course the children, many of whom are having such a rough deal in this so called Age of Enlightenment.

Moving from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius is a positive happening in Universal terms.  It may not appear so to you at this time, but I urge you to look again and see how the darkness is lightening and revealing many truths that have been covered up by the Darkness of Ignorance for far too long.

 In order for things to change from a world of negative thought, the light of goodness and understanding has to be let in and the errors of the past have to be torn down, so that new foundations can be put in place and new structures and frameworks can be erected that will stand the tests of time.

This is the age of rebuilding our futures for our children and our grandchildren and all those who come after us, as many will.  It is not easy to see the light amongst the global warming and the wars and the oppression of the peoples. 

 But I can assure you all, that if you look and if you care, you can find the teachings of the Christ and they are as meaningful today as they were two thousand years ago.  Read them and in your heart you will understand what they mean to you and you and you.

Other men and women cannot tell you what they mean, because they know as little or as much as you do.  Read and trust that your guide, or Guardian Angel, is close to you and that they cannot be shut out if you ask and you listen for the reply in your daily lives.

The Spirit is within us all and can never die as the Christ Spirit still lives and lives in us all – if we want it there.

Let us be truly guided by finding all the answers to life within ourselves, knowing that when we pass, we shall be with all those who we love and all those who love us.

God bless you all.

Red Cloud
Sunday, 6th May 2012

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