Monday, November 19, 2012

Gossops Green, Crawley, West Sussex 2012 II

Tonight we can sit back and observe a struggling world that had lost its way, as it fails to observe the Universal Laws that our God Creator put in place for us to understand the way that things were meant to be, if peace and harmony is to be allowed, as a basic right for all people.

Jesus explained to us what this means.  Do you remember the Parable of the Sower?  He scatters his seed and some falls on fertile ground and grows into a good harvest.  They follow their Lord and do his will.

Some seeds fall on stony ground and grow up spindly and die.  They are deprived of the love and nurture that they require and can’t get themselves motivated to do good for themselves and their neighbours.

Other seeds fall on ground that contains tares or weeds, which grow with the crop and are choked.  Their will is opposed and they give in and settle for second, third or fourth best.  They live mostly in fear and without spirit.

So it is the world over.

Some souls come down to this earth plane and they are nourished by their own actions, as they see their God Creator in the sunlight and the rain.  They observe his Laws and help each other.  They have peace within themselves.

Other souls fall on bad company and delight in their own aggrandisement and love of themselves.  They haven’t time for other people and their problems, as they are bound up with mischief to get what they want.  They will be found wanting and will soon spiritually die.

Some other souls will start off well and appreciative of what they have, until they are tempted away from the truth and their good intents are lost and smothered by the opinion of others.  They follow the trend and find comfort in drugs and personal highs without seeing there will be a cost to pay.

God created two types of people, yes, men and women to live together and in love bring more souls to populate this world and take over the running of this beautiful and bountiful kingdom of life itself.

But, you know, he also created others.  Within this structure, he made both men and women to be givers and takers and this is the jungle you need to understand.

As spiritual, loving people, who were brought to earthly life through the good fertile ground of spiritual understanding, we are content and pleased to help others and live in a luxury of good deeds without other reward.

On the other side, there is the one who accepts all we have to give and return nothing, but expects more and more until we are exhausted and then we are cast aside.  We are often blinded, so that we can’t even see what is happening to us.

We must wake up and stop going through the same old routine of being abused and treated badly.  God does not give us bonus points, if we behave blindly, hoping against all hope that it will work out – somehow.

There is help out there for us, but we have to allow the Laws of Cause and Effect to have their way.  We cannot always let ourselves be used and abused by others and let them get away with it time and time again.

We don’t get special thanks from On High for trying to walk another’s pathway and not allow them to reap what they have sown for themselves.  How will they ever learn?  Why should we bear their pain of experience?  How can they mature and grow towards the Light of God’s Love, when they abuse His very existence?

Use your goodness to spread goodness to others, who genuinely need it and will appreciate what you do.  When you stand in the next world and you are asked what you have done, do you want to have only a list of failures to offer or can you sustain the successes of grateful souls, who meet you there with thanks and love?

The takers won’t be there!  They will not change until they have learned in the depth of their own darkness.  The good, sweet souls you have lifted up will come to greet you and your arrival will be a joy for you and a joy for them.

Don’t throw away your gifts on stony ground, but let them mature in the use that they were given to you for, to help those who slip and just need that hand and understanding without judgement to continue where they must journey.

Life is full of joy and, although his own people turned on the Master Jesus, he had enough love not to hate them, but he welcomed every soul and was inspired by every success, when any soul turned to the spirit of love and harmony and he still does.

God bless you all,

Red Cloud
Sunday, 18th November 2012