Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Gossops Green, Crawley, West Sussex 2011

In the way that energies are changing all around the world, there is almost daily news of fresh interfaces, which are making life changing decisions and influencing a great need to so many people.

There are, what are called natural disasters, happening apace, as there are both floods and earthquakes ripping the lives of so many innocent people into shreds and presenting opportunities for so many to roll up their sleeves and give help.

Mighty changes have been no stranger to this planet, as it is only man’s greed for more, his insatiable desire to have a life of luxury and acclaim, so that he is held up for his wealth, but is spiritually so often barren.

It is often the case that as these highly qualified souls reach the next dimension they are faced with finding answers to problems that they ignored during their lifetime here on earth.

They have been able to walk tall over their reputations and pay for others to do their ‘dirty work’ and so they believe that they have passed on their responsibilities and are in the clear.

Often it is the more lowly souls, who have to face each and every decision in the light of ‘God’s’ love and enlightenment that make a cleaner and easier transition to a better world beyond this one.

The belief in a material world, so often precludes ‘God’ in the eyes of the wealthy and secure, because they cannot see that everything has to be in balance and controlled by love and wisdom, so that this precarious plane of existence can be kept in balance within the Universal framework.

‘God’ makes everything possible and it is through his love and enlightened understanding that this world stays in existence at all.  If Mankind was allowed to keep on doing his own thing unchecked everything would soon fly out of balance and this plane would be lost.

The weight of the negative feeling pulls down the vibrations of the positive.  This you know is so, because when you feel depressed, or in a dark mood, the heaviness on your head and shoulders is great.

But when you are positive and accomplishing good things, your mind is clear and light, so that you are happy and feeling truly alive.

The scales between the heaviness of the negative have to be in balance by the lightness of the positive.  If they tip too far, then the Natural Laws of the earth plane are changed and energies are upset as they move from one part of the globe to another.

Where this happens, weather patterns are affected as well as the thin skin that holds the earth’s core in place and where cracks appear, seismic activity will often take place on land and under the sea.

So please remember that in your prayers, your thoughts, which you send out to a Higher Source, to ask that the positive nature of being must be kept in place by the responsibilities of all who live in this dimension.

We all have a responsibility to send out healing and loving thoughts to those who are in need, so that the energies of the angels, who work tirelessly through ‘God’s’ energies can restore the balance that has been upset.

When you do little kindnesses for another, it never goes unnoticed as you will find when you revue your life later on in the next dimension.  Everyone has issues that you will address there and you can make it easier on yourself by living in accordance with the Laws of the Godhead and the Natural Laws that exist for our benefit.

Take a lead from the teachings of the Lord Jesus, as his example and his teachings are the foundations on which a good life on earth can be measured and achieved.  It is so often through suffering that the greater good is served.

So give unto ‘God’ what is ‘God’s’ and give unto Caesar what the Law of the Land demands of you.  Balance is the key word that you can only give what you have, so always keep enough for your own needs and then you will be rich indeed.

God bless you.

Red Cloud
Sunday, 30th January 2011

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