Dear friends,
I have come to think of you as such, after
our regular meetings here in this little chapel of rest and happiness, as the
energies that you provide are so conducive to this spiritual work, which is so
necessary at this time of speaking to you.
This country of yours is in such turmoil
and in need of much healing, as it has gone through a marked decline in moral
and earthly standards.
There is a severe lack of love and spiritual
understanding and people go about the street in a manner not thought possible
by past generations.
You are living through a metamorphosis of
change like no other in modern times.
There have to be great changes and upliftment must be brought to those
who hunger and thirst for the righteousness of spiritual truth.
You all have to play a part in spreading
love to others, as they are blinded by a cloud of ignorance, which has been
brought about by the material greed of wanting more for the sake of having
No longer can this country sustain a
society of people who do not wish to work and expect to be handed out all they
desire on a plate without lifting a finger towards it.
The whole of society has been misguided
into the belief that a welfare state of existence can be conducted by a
never-ending supply of money that comes into the coffers to sustain a way of
life that is based on laziness and self-satisfaction.
This has been tolerated because you, the
society of moral reason, have kept quiet and looked the other way. Now is the time to stand up and take personal
responsibility for the future of this country, which is falling into debt which
it cannot repay without the moral hard work of those who care about others.
The pain of those who are in need must be
sustained, not with financial handouts to make the problem go away, but by the caring
souls who help and give of their time in love and patience to those who are
suffering and whose needs are the most urgent.
Love is the way to the Kingdom of Heaven
and, by helping others as you would wish to be helped, so you make yourself
known to the spirits who love you well and care for your future existence in
the next dimension.
We are all working for the benefit of mankind, but so many of you
are turning a deaf ear to our attentions.
Listen we beg you to the soul within, which
speaks to you and guides you through that inner voice, who all can hear but
many turn a deafness there.
We are bringing about mighty changes and
you will see them in your life times. I
urge you to be a part of them and stand up for your rights and your reason.
Do not do
simply what is best for you, but look to the greater need and allow us to work
through you to make this earth plane a safer and happier place for all who visit
Our Father wants us to be happy here, but
those who turn away from His heavenly light to enjoy the fruits of the material
at the expense of the spiritual will be hurt and will have to sustain their own
choices in the life to come.
Do what you can for others and the greater
good. Do your best.
You can do no more and remember that you are loved in Spirit and are helped
daily through your lives. So listen and
go the spiritual way into the arms of those who love you best and care for you.
We will not let you down, so please to not
let us be ignored, as we do know what is really best for you all. Amen to that.
Red Cloud
Thursday, 22nd April 2010
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