The disquiet of the world has now overflowed into the
streets of this country and the people are confused and ashamed all at the same
Until all people recognise that there is a guiding hand,
which is held out to each and every soul, whoever and whenever they walk this
earth, there can be no peace and harmony making up Heaven on the earth plane of
this globe.
The world problems of today are of biblical proportions as
God, the Father Creator, has been largely forgotten and new gods have been
worshiped instead.
Their names are Greed and Avarice and they demand blood
sacrifices in that the people are trodden down and exploited for the benefit of
the high priests of this order of material splendour.
Everybody is guilty to some degree, but many are guilty of
excess and they continue to collect more than they could possibly ever need,
simply for the sake of collection.
Their days are numbered and the institutions, which were
thought so safe, will come tumbling down if they are not run on the lines of
Spiritual Law. Nobody is safe anymore.
Guilt of the masses collectively applies, because by not
standing up for what is right and honest, they have condoned this behaviour and
allowed it to continue to spread like a cancer across the globe.
In many parts of the world, people are standing up and
being counted and suddenly they have achieved a strength that before was held
down by fear. Fear for themselves and
their families if they spoke out, but many have prayed for deliverance and
these prayers have been heard and have been addressed.
The old and the corrupt are being pulled down and even the
unthinkable has caused Stock Exchanges around the world to panic and fall, as
fear has gripped the dealers, because of the debts of many nations and the
incredible tinsel attitude of having today and paying tomorrow.
In order for the system to change it will have to be pulled
down. No longer can it be patched up,
but must have new foundations to sustain and the people must be heard and their
wishes must be respected.
Please understand that the days of being dictated to and
told that this is what you will have, are all but gone. Every single one of us must stand and be
recognised for what we are and what we believe in.
Then the rebuilding can be structured to our needs and not
the needs of the legislators, who so often have hidden agendas. Remember it was the America people who swayed the day in Washington when the two
party system threatened to destabilise the debit crisis.
No nation is yet out of the woods. The so-called credit society has to be
reshaped. No longer can governments, as
well as the people, live on a buy now pay later platform.
Believe you me, there is no easy way out as Mankind have
gone too far this time and all countries and their people will have to tighten
their belts and look to their own balancing of the books.
Those who are running their lives and their institutions
along the right lines, as dictated by Spiritual Laws, will be able to hold on
and survive. If the others do not change,
they will be taken out of the equation.
There is now no longer time to play with. If my words seem harsh then watch what it
happening all around the world, as the Stock Market will crash again and
rioting will be seen on our streets again.
Fundamental issues have to be addressed and all changes
have to start in the home with good parenting, so that a child before they are
two years old knows the difference between right and wrong.
Standards and morals must be addressed in such away that
they become standard items in the behaviour of our children, who are the future
and who must become a caring society for those who struggle, but who do try to
find a way out of their difficulties.
If we all pull together in the name of our Father and
understand the enlightenment of spiritual teachings, we can then life our lives
together in his glory and bring about Heaven on this earth plane before it collapses
into anarchy.
God bless you all.
18th August 2011
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