Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Seaford, East Sussex 2011

The world today is changing and we must all learn to change with it for the greater good and not just for our own desires.

Over the millennia there has been too much self and not enough tolerance.  Far too many people see that their own belief system is the only one that can possibly be right and that all others are almost certainly wrong.

Many wars have been fought to accomplish the demise of peoples who had other belief systems and the bishops of the churches have been only too willing to see God on their side and not on the other.

There are so many paths to the Godhead.  Is it so difficult for Man to understand that the Creator loves all his creations?

He is like any good father, saddened by the turnings that his creations take and, like any other family, he has to watch and wait as his children continually oppose and fight amongst themselves.

There are times when religion is put aside and the issue at that time becomes greater than the belief system, as people stand together to initiate change.  In Tahrir Square in Cairo people have stood and worked together and accomplished their aims and desires.

Can we not learn from this, as we are all guilty of putting our own point of view and prejudges before common sense and tolerance of others?

The Master Jesus taught us the lesson of the Good Samaritan, who put aside any misgivings and saw only the man who was in need and gave what he could for the benefit of the other.

We all have times of discomfort and pain, when we are in need of that helping hand and it is only then when we fully appreciate what others can do for us in unconditional love.

If we live a life of selfishness and adopt an attitude of I’m alright Jack, what right have we to expect a hand up when we really need support and guidance?

It has been said, that of all acts, Charity is the greatest.  This is charity in the widest sense and is not just a few coins in a tin on that special day of collection, but it is a mental attitude as well, to be understanding and offer that shoulder of support.

We all exist here, on this earth plane, as one united human society, but time and time again we fall out with our neighbours and our family and so often it is the other person’s fault for not understanding us and where we come from.

Do we honestly know the truth from all sides and can we see the greater good in the situation which made that rumpus exist?  Can we honestly turn away and say that there is nothing more that we can do about it?

Regardless of religious belief and upbringings, we all hold a greater responsibility to the family of creation, where our great Creator made us all equal in his understanding.

We all have the same spiritual opportunities on offer to us, but the more material we become, so the more the spiritual is squeezed out of us.

We can only have both in our lives if we are in balance and allow our material needs to be met to sustain us sufficiently, while giving ourselves over to the spiritual understandings and teachings from the great source of all knowledge and wisdom.

Within us all, we instinctively know what is right and what is in error, but so often this conscience is overridden by our personal desires to stand back and move away from giving that helping had.

To give one a chance to survive, we must be able to trust the process of living.

This is easier said than done, because we all adopt a barrier of selfishness around ourselves in earthly terms, but life is not just about these few years spent here in this plane of existence.

Life is eternal, my friends, and we all have an eternity to get ourselves on the right track to become at one with our Creator, but do not leave undone what you can do today, because in the next phase you will have to bring balance and order to your being.

See to it now and start the process to fulfilling your spiritual destiny and find peace of mind, so that your conscience doesn’t prick you and you know that you are going the right way towards your true salvation.

We all have a real and genuine destiny for our spirit and we must do more, my friends, than pay it lip service, if we wish to fulfil our Creators expectations of our worthiness.

Red Cloud
Thursday, 17th February 2011

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