Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Seaford, East Sussex 2008

The whole importance of your lives and mine, is to love God, who created us all and to serve your fellow man and woman, in what ever capacity that feels right and best for you.

Our Creator is a God of Love, and you must not allow those teachings from other places to influence your thinking and belief system.

He will not condemn you, when you pass to these Realms to a lifetime of purgatory.  Could you condemn those who are your children to such a fate - no matter what they had done?

Now be at peace and remember that the Great Spirit of all creation, loves you well.  Sometimes you disappoint, but then you are human and remember that God is not human.

If ‘He’ was, ‘He’ would have all the problems that you have to deal with on a daily basis.  How then could ‘He’ be even-handed and objective?

 God is bound by the Laws that ‘He’ created.  These are the Laws of the Spirit and the Laws of Nature.  By these Laws Cause and Effect govern your future.

As Master Jesus taught, “You will reap whatsoever you sow”.

Give harshly and think unkindly, and these will be returned to you many times over.  Give out love and think well of everyone and so you will be loved.

What is important for you to understand, my friends, is that what you do, and what you receive, are governed by the intentions within your hearts and minds.
The Laws are firm and cannot be denied, but as you do things in your daily life, so you will judge yourselves in the Great Review of Your Own Life.

Look then to why you did what you did, and learn the difference between doing it for self and doing it for another without wanting any reward, but doing it solely, because you want to do it.

Then you will be free of all negativity and greed.  Not the “I want, I want!”  But the “I want to do it for you and I want nothing in return.”

Give what you can.  Give a smile.  Give a kind word and allow your face to tell what you feel, because it shows to all what is in your heart.

See the sad and miserable face of a fellow, and know how he hurts inside.  So often because they don’t know how to smile though the agonies that have brought upon themselves, by losing the pleasures of giving, without wanting a reward for themselves.

Remember that the Laws of Nature cast a similar Cause and Effect and that it is not God, who brings these disasters, but by the actions of mankind and his greed.

Look towards your God and know that ‘He’ loves you, and that what you need is on offer to you, as long as you have the right intentions and the right reasons for needing it.

Give to each other and you can make this world a happier place, with a smile and a good intention, and so you will find your own reward.

God bless you all.

 Red Cloud.  
Thursday, 26th June 2008

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