Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Seaford, East Sussex 2007

          I would remind you all   that the great love of the Almighty is infinite. 

He never lets us down, but brings to us all the opportunities to progress towards him   in our humble lives.

There are no such things as so called ‘Acts of God’. 

He is not that vengeful God   who is so depicted in the Old Testament.

The Almighty and Divine God does not change.

He is the Creator of all that is   and we owe our very existence to the greatness of his love.

He loves all his creations   from the smallest insect to the mighty oak tree.

He loves us   as we are his children.

Those who have families will understand    that whatever our children do, we still love them.

So how much more does God love you and me?

When we are naughty and rail against him, we are filled with the materialistic

and our puny tantrums make him sad  but never stops the flow of love.

He gave us a simple choice, my friends.

We can be material and blame God for all that we have not

Or we can be spiritual   and thank him   for all the opportunities he gives us

so we can love and help    our fellow man along the way.

We can sit here on this earthly plane and collect what we cannot take away with us when we go

and progress not a jot

or we can give    what we can    in love and empathy to those in need.

What we give is according to what we have.

There is nothing wrong with wealth…

It simply depends on what we do with it…

If we hold valuables that are locked away in a vault for the sake owning them,

then perhaps we should consider making a donation to a good cause that will bring benefits.

Precious things that gather dust

and are not used to benefit mankind

will make a sorry entrance for their owner into the Spirit Realms.

Investments into bringing love and comforts to the hard pressed

brings many times these riches in the world above.

A smile to each and every person that you daily meet   costs nothing   and a cheerful word can change the countenance of those who are hard pressed.

So I say to you, my friends   bring out your unwanted spoils and let them earn their keep.

Go about each day thinking that each person that you meet   deserves your best, and let the hand of God go with you   and welcome him into your midst.

He is only too happy to smile on those who smile upon his children   and bring them what they truly do deserve.

We are all equal in his sight, but according to our actions   so does his smile increase or fade a little.

Let us do our best

We can do no more   to let his wondrous smile, spread out that little bit more.

Thank you   God bless you all.

Red Cloud
Thursday, 24th October 2007

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