Monday, June 11, 2012

Gossops Green, Crawley, West Sussex 2012 I

It is now a time of great upheaval upon this earth plane and it is not unreasonable of those, who live in the spirit for the Spirit, to ask for an explanation.

God, as so many think of the Universal Intelligence and Creator of all that exists as far as the human mind can consider, although there is so much more besides, has now decreed that the energies affecting the downfall of Mankind are stepped up, so that a new cleansing can take place and the modes of living and life upon this earth plane can be rebuilt on stronger foundations.

First, it is necessary to bring down the old, as a new house cannot be erected on top of the old one.  New foundations, this time built on hardened rock, will succeed the man-made attempts to build a larger world of economics and scientific discovery.

Second, it is of paramount importance that the mind-set of each and every soul living on this still beautiful planet is enlightened and that a new understanding is ingrained into the very psyche of all who will listen.

All must listen, if they are to be able to acknowledge their faults and errors and rebuild their lives in the proper and accepted interpretation of the Spiritual and Universal Laws.

Never has it been possible to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear and neither is that possible now.  Enlightenment must change the mind-set and, with full understanding and not with lip service, can that soul start to act in such a way, as to become that spiritual being that our Father Creator envisaged for us all.

Too many have turned away and been seduced by the honeyed words of men and women, set on a course of power and self-aggrandisement for themselves in a material society, where it has been all too easy to make a buck out of the ill-informed and the vulnerable.

The religious houses are no better than the bankers, when you compare the way that they have stripped the assets of the poor and lowly to build for themselves a fine life in luxurious surroundings and even to abuse the innocent and the weak-minded.

God in his glorious universe does not value the gold and shining gemstones as a backdrop to worship and enlightenment!  His world of beauty and harmony is all around us, if only we would stop in our busy lives and take time out to share it with our Maker and then begin to understand that you cannot buy your way into the Kingdom of Heaven.

Heaven is a state of mind and I urge you all to understand that, as ‘The Master Jesus’ taught, the Kingdom of Heaven is within.  We make our own heaven and hell by our very thoughts and actions and, through the opportunities of development; we can and should rise higher in the Spirit and the positive energies of the Father Creator.

Some of you may find it difficult to understand that I refer to the Supreme Intelligence as the Father.  It is the Father that after all begins the process of creation and then steps back and allows the Mother Nature to continue the miracles and pains of birth.

All is in effect interchangeable in the mind-sets of the human being, but in reality, it is not all about a male and a female that creates, but it is about a Greater Consciousness that is forever progressing itself into an evolutionary development of pursued perfection.

This is the Master Design and, I am sure that you understand, that it is not and never has been a question of God verses Science or God against Evolutionary Theory.  What you may recognise is Religion verses Science or Religion against Evolutionary Theory?

To all of you who know God, as a great light and warmth within you, who answers your prayers in what is the best way for you to develop and progress, then I say to you, “Be still.  You are saved already.”

It is the meek who shall inherit the earth and the mighty will fall like swine, if they don’t turn back to the light of enlightenment and live for the greater good instead of for themselves.

 God bless you all,

Red Cloud
Sunday, 10th June 2012

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