Monday, November 19, 2012

Gossops Green, Crawley, West Sussex 2012 II

Tonight we can sit back and observe a struggling world that had lost its way, as it fails to observe the Universal Laws that our God Creator put in place for us to understand the way that things were meant to be, if peace and harmony is to be allowed, as a basic right for all people.

Jesus explained to us what this means.  Do you remember the Parable of the Sower?  He scatters his seed and some falls on fertile ground and grows into a good harvest.  They follow their Lord and do his will.

Some seeds fall on stony ground and grow up spindly and die.  They are deprived of the love and nurture that they require and can’t get themselves motivated to do good for themselves and their neighbours.

Other seeds fall on ground that contains tares or weeds, which grow with the crop and are choked.  Their will is opposed and they give in and settle for second, third or fourth best.  They live mostly in fear and without spirit.

So it is the world over.

Some souls come down to this earth plane and they are nourished by their own actions, as they see their God Creator in the sunlight and the rain.  They observe his Laws and help each other.  They have peace within themselves.

Other souls fall on bad company and delight in their own aggrandisement and love of themselves.  They haven’t time for other people and their problems, as they are bound up with mischief to get what they want.  They will be found wanting and will soon spiritually die.

Some other souls will start off well and appreciative of what they have, until they are tempted away from the truth and their good intents are lost and smothered by the opinion of others.  They follow the trend and find comfort in drugs and personal highs without seeing there will be a cost to pay.

God created two types of people, yes, men and women to live together and in love bring more souls to populate this world and take over the running of this beautiful and bountiful kingdom of life itself.

But, you know, he also created others.  Within this structure, he made both men and women to be givers and takers and this is the jungle you need to understand.

As spiritual, loving people, who were brought to earthly life through the good fertile ground of spiritual understanding, we are content and pleased to help others and live in a luxury of good deeds without other reward.

On the other side, there is the one who accepts all we have to give and return nothing, but expects more and more until we are exhausted and then we are cast aside.  We are often blinded, so that we can’t even see what is happening to us.

We must wake up and stop going through the same old routine of being abused and treated badly.  God does not give us bonus points, if we behave blindly, hoping against all hope that it will work out – somehow.

There is help out there for us, but we have to allow the Laws of Cause and Effect to have their way.  We cannot always let ourselves be used and abused by others and let them get away with it time and time again.

We don’t get special thanks from On High for trying to walk another’s pathway and not allow them to reap what they have sown for themselves.  How will they ever learn?  Why should we bear their pain of experience?  How can they mature and grow towards the Light of God’s Love, when they abuse His very existence?

Use your goodness to spread goodness to others, who genuinely need it and will appreciate what you do.  When you stand in the next world and you are asked what you have done, do you want to have only a list of failures to offer or can you sustain the successes of grateful souls, who meet you there with thanks and love?

The takers won’t be there!  They will not change until they have learned in the depth of their own darkness.  The good, sweet souls you have lifted up will come to greet you and your arrival will be a joy for you and a joy for them.

Don’t throw away your gifts on stony ground, but let them mature in the use that they were given to you for, to help those who slip and just need that hand and understanding without judgement to continue where they must journey.

Life is full of joy and, although his own people turned on the Master Jesus, he had enough love not to hate them, but he welcomed every soul and was inspired by every success, when any soul turned to the spirit of love and harmony and he still does.

God bless you all,

Red Cloud
Sunday, 18th November 2012

Monday, June 11, 2012

Gossops Green, Crawley, West Sussex 2012 I

It is now a time of great upheaval upon this earth plane and it is not unreasonable of those, who live in the spirit for the Spirit, to ask for an explanation.

God, as so many think of the Universal Intelligence and Creator of all that exists as far as the human mind can consider, although there is so much more besides, has now decreed that the energies affecting the downfall of Mankind are stepped up, so that a new cleansing can take place and the modes of living and life upon this earth plane can be rebuilt on stronger foundations.

First, it is necessary to bring down the old, as a new house cannot be erected on top of the old one.  New foundations, this time built on hardened rock, will succeed the man-made attempts to build a larger world of economics and scientific discovery.

Second, it is of paramount importance that the mind-set of each and every soul living on this still beautiful planet is enlightened and that a new understanding is ingrained into the very psyche of all who will listen.

All must listen, if they are to be able to acknowledge their faults and errors and rebuild their lives in the proper and accepted interpretation of the Spiritual and Universal Laws.

Never has it been possible to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear and neither is that possible now.  Enlightenment must change the mind-set and, with full understanding and not with lip service, can that soul start to act in such a way, as to become that spiritual being that our Father Creator envisaged for us all.

Too many have turned away and been seduced by the honeyed words of men and women, set on a course of power and self-aggrandisement for themselves in a material society, where it has been all too easy to make a buck out of the ill-informed and the vulnerable.

The religious houses are no better than the bankers, when you compare the way that they have stripped the assets of the poor and lowly to build for themselves a fine life in luxurious surroundings and even to abuse the innocent and the weak-minded.

God in his glorious universe does not value the gold and shining gemstones as a backdrop to worship and enlightenment!  His world of beauty and harmony is all around us, if only we would stop in our busy lives and take time out to share it with our Maker and then begin to understand that you cannot buy your way into the Kingdom of Heaven.

Heaven is a state of mind and I urge you all to understand that, as ‘The Master Jesus’ taught, the Kingdom of Heaven is within.  We make our own heaven and hell by our very thoughts and actions and, through the opportunities of development; we can and should rise higher in the Spirit and the positive energies of the Father Creator.

Some of you may find it difficult to understand that I refer to the Supreme Intelligence as the Father.  It is the Father that after all begins the process of creation and then steps back and allows the Mother Nature to continue the miracles and pains of birth.

All is in effect interchangeable in the mind-sets of the human being, but in reality, it is not all about a male and a female that creates, but it is about a Greater Consciousness that is forever progressing itself into an evolutionary development of pursued perfection.

This is the Master Design and, I am sure that you understand, that it is not and never has been a question of God verses Science or God against Evolutionary Theory.  What you may recognise is Religion verses Science or Religion against Evolutionary Theory?

To all of you who know God, as a great light and warmth within you, who answers your prayers in what is the best way for you to develop and progress, then I say to you, “Be still.  You are saved already.”

It is the meek who shall inherit the earth and the mighty will fall like swine, if they don’t turn back to the light of enlightenment and live for the greater good instead of for themselves.

 God bless you all,

Red Cloud
Sunday, 10th June 2012

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Eastbourne, East Sussex 2012

To be here again back in Eastbourne to talk to you all is both a joy and a pleasure.  Much has happened in our lives since we last spoke.  The world is doing its best to turn itself upside down.

You have all made some progress since we last were together, but it is not all light and progression that is masterminding this world of politics and aggression.

The simple truth is, that there is no abatement in the greed and lust that is driving Mankind, as a race, to the destruction of all that he has inherited over many millennia. 

The Greater Intelligence, whom many call ‘God’, is responsible for all Creation, both here on this earth plane of existence, where we currently all are, but also in the great Universal makeup of all that is.

When Mankind evolved from his most humble beginnings and took on a path of progression towards the light of understanding in everything that is good and holy, he found along the way many temptations and distractions.

Over the millennia these have not gone away, but have grown out of all proportion to their initial state of being.  This is simply because Man in his personal arrogance towards The Godhead has turned away from the light and joyous vibrations of love and peaceful coexistence in his pursuit of riches and self-aggrandisement.

The mechanism is very simple.  Everything in life is controlled by thought.  A good thought brings a fine vibration and once created, wings its way on through the Universe touching love and harmony wherever it goes.

Thought of darker emotions, such fear and hatred, are also vibrational, but are heavy and a fly out more slowly bringing error and confusion to all in their path.

Imagine for a moment, if you will, the types of vibrational energy that is being released in the Middle East, Africa and from the banking world of global finance.

It is not pretty and it can only be counteracted by the strength and love of good individuals, who care about their fellow man, woman and of course the children, many of whom are having such a rough deal in this so called Age of Enlightenment.

Moving from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius is a positive happening in Universal terms.  It may not appear so to you at this time, but I urge you to look again and see how the darkness is lightening and revealing many truths that have been covered up by the Darkness of Ignorance for far too long.

 In order for things to change from a world of negative thought, the light of goodness and understanding has to be let in and the errors of the past have to be torn down, so that new foundations can be put in place and new structures and frameworks can be erected that will stand the tests of time.

This is the age of rebuilding our futures for our children and our grandchildren and all those who come after us, as many will.  It is not easy to see the light amongst the global warming and the wars and the oppression of the peoples. 

 But I can assure you all, that if you look and if you care, you can find the teachings of the Christ and they are as meaningful today as they were two thousand years ago.  Read them and in your heart you will understand what they mean to you and you and you.

Other men and women cannot tell you what they mean, because they know as little or as much as you do.  Read and trust that your guide, or Guardian Angel, is close to you and that they cannot be shut out if you ask and you listen for the reply in your daily lives.

The Spirit is within us all and can never die as the Christ Spirit still lives and lives in us all – if we want it there.

Let us be truly guided by finding all the answers to life within ourselves, knowing that when we pass, we shall be with all those who we love and all those who love us.

God bless you all.

Red Cloud
Sunday, 6th May 2012

Seaford, East Sussex 2011

Today there are many changes affecting almost every part of this world in which we live and, as we are all connected together through God’s love and his creation, we must be aware that there are no situations, which do not affect us directly.

It is not possible any longer to go through life with our heads metaphorically buried in the sand.  The riots in the streets of London brought us uncomfortably close to the areas of the world, where people are standing up for their rights to be free of oppression.

People express their thoughts and ideas in many different ways and it becomes possible that some of us are not listening to what is going on all around us.  Peace and harmony must begin in the home.

It is there, in the raising of our children that the rights and wrongs of life and love are cemented into the young psyche of those, who will form the next generation of leaders and will supply for us in our old age.

To be isolated from world events is to ignore God’s kingdom on earth, which Mankind has for so long run more on his own lines than through Spiritual and Universal Laws.

If we say that we love God and his Spirit World, where we wish to go when it is our time to be freed from our earthly cares, then we must be ready to do our bit for our fellow man and to see that those who are in need, get the best and are not overlooked.

Too often, it is sad to say, people do walk by on the other side, because they are too busy or too lazy to put themselves out for another.  There is too much of letting somebody else do what is necessary.

Until we allow ourselves to make that move to help another, we do not know if there is anybody else to do it.  We all have opportunities put in front of us on our pathways, so that we can progress in love towards being a better soul and to achieve our just rewards in the next dimension.

Are we ready to be asked as we arrive, “What have you done with your Life?”  “Is the world a better place because you walked the earth plane?”

Many don’t have to worry, because they have given themselves in service to others and devoted themselves to helping and guiding, through the love of the Spirit and the direction that ‘The Master Jesus’ taught us.

It is through meetings such as this one, that souls may come together and increase the power of their thoughts, by putting them together and sending signals to those who listen, that help and comfort is required and according to the greater good, so that they can be answered.

We do not always see the results of the thoughts that we send out and we wonder why it is that the miracles, which we ask for, do not appear to happen, but you know they so often do happen and it is not always shown in the way that we expect to see it.

We are all here to work for the greater good of our fellow man, woman and child and it is their needs, which must be addressed.  The truth of any situation so often depends on exactly where you are standing.

What appears to be a silence to our prayers may well be a mighty cheer for the greater good, which we are unable to understand.  To ask in the right way is so important to the outcome and in this ‘I want’ society, it is hard to put ourselves aside and think exclusive for the others.

However, there are many more souls than you can imagine, who are selfless in their thoughts and actions and it is not for me to discern who they may be.  It is too often that our opinions become judgemental and therefore we too shall be judged.

We all here know the difference between right and wrong and it has been shown to us many times that in order to appreciate the one, we must see the other.  In order to experience love, we first need to understand what it is like to be lonely.

In order to understand freedom and security, we need to have felt fear for our future.  God did not expect us to come here alone and unloved, but he does expect us to listen to spiritual guidance, as we go through the ups and downs of every day life.

We are all blessed with strength and power through the light of understanding that is given to us, so that we can use these gifts to be tolerant and understanding to those who do not see life from our perspective, but we shall all be recognised for who we are, when we pass into the next dimension of life.

We must always be ready, because we do not know when we will be released from earthly suffering and exposed to the loving light of divine proportions.  So I suggest that you leave nothing undone and are always eager to champion the right, while listening for the truth of spirit to flow through your mind in loving proportions.

God bless you all,

Red Cloud
Sunday, 28th August 2011

Seaford, East Sussex 2011

          The disquiet of the world has now overflowed into the streets of this country and the people are confused and ashamed all at the same time.

          Until all people recognise that there is a guiding hand, which is held out to each and every soul, whoever and whenever they walk this earth, there can be no peace and harmony making up Heaven on the earth plane of this globe.

          The world problems of today are of biblical proportions as God, the Father Creator, has been largely forgotten and new gods have been worshiped instead. 

          Their names are Greed and Avarice and they demand blood sacrifices in that the people are trodden down and exploited for the benefit of the high priests of this order of material splendour.

          Everybody is guilty to some degree, but many are guilty of excess and they continue to collect more than they could possibly ever need, simply for the sake of collection.

          Their days are numbered and the institutions, which were thought so safe, will come tumbling down if they are not run on the lines of Spiritual Law.  Nobody is safe anymore.

          Guilt of the masses collectively applies, because by not standing up for what is right and honest, they have condoned this behaviour and allowed it to continue to spread like a cancer across the globe.

          In many parts of the world, people are standing up and being counted and suddenly they have achieved a strength that before was held down by fear.  Fear for themselves and their families if they spoke out, but many have prayed for deliverance and these prayers have been heard and have been addressed.

          The old and the corrupt are being pulled down and even the unthinkable has caused Stock Exchanges around the world to panic and fall, as fear has gripped the dealers, because of the debts of many nations and the incredible tinsel attitude of having today and paying tomorrow.

          In order for the system to change it will have to be pulled down.  No longer can it be patched up, but must have new foundations to sustain and the people must be heard and their wishes must be respected.

          Please understand that the days of being dictated to and told that this is what you will have, are all but gone.  Every single one of us must stand and be recognised for what we are and what we believe in.

          Then the rebuilding can be structured to our needs and not the needs of the legislators, who so often have hidden agendas.  Remember it was the America people who swayed the day in Washington when the two party system threatened to destabilise the debit crisis.

          No nation is yet out of the woods.  The so-called credit society has to be reshaped.  No longer can governments, as well as the people, live on a buy now pay later platform.

          Believe you me, there is no easy way out as Mankind have gone too far this time and all countries and their people will have to tighten their belts and look to their own balancing of the books.

          Those who are running their lives and their institutions along the right lines, as dictated by Spiritual Laws, will be able to hold on and survive.  If the others do not change, they will be taken out of the equation.

          There is now no longer time to play with.  If my words seem harsh then watch what it happening all around the world, as the Stock Market will crash again and rioting will be seen on our streets again.

          Fundamental issues have to be addressed and all changes have to start in the home with good parenting, so that a child before they are two years old knows the difference between right and wrong. 

          Standards and morals must be addressed in such away that they become standard items in the behaviour of our children, who are the future and who must become a caring society for those who struggle, but who do try to find a way out of their difficulties.

          If we all pull together in the name of our Father and understand the enlightenment of spiritual teachings, we can then life our lives together in his glory and bring about Heaven on this earth plane before it collapses into anarchy.
           God bless you all.

 Red Cloud
Thursday, 18th August 2011