I want you to consider carefully where you
think that you are in your life on this humble little planet that holds itself
together in one corner of the Universe.
Everything here is about change and you are
no different to anybody else. You are
not the same as you were yesterday and you will not be the same as you will be
tomorrow. The aging of the body and the
experiences of your mind ensure that you are never the same, even from minute
to minute.
So I invite you to
consider, “Are you at the beginning of
the end or are you at the end of the beginning?”
Usually it is the younger ones, who feel
that they are at the end of the beginning as their lives stretch out before
them. They would usually feel that the
older ones amongst you are at the beginning of the end.
Neither of these
statements however is true in the spiritual sense, although they may be in the
physical meaning of life on Earth. We
are all where we are meant to be spiritually, but we may not have forged ahead
as much as we would like or think that we deserve.
Each and every one
of us comes into this life, that is given to us by the Almighty, to make a
difference for the better to our fellow human beings that we grow up with and
spend our time with along the pathway of life.
We follow a set
pattern, although we consider ourselves to be unique. We come into the womb pure and full of
unconditional love, but soon face the bombardment of the negativity that has
invaded this world of ours.
Even in here we are
not safe, as our mother who carried us isn’t always perfect and she may be
influenced by physical or mental needs and desires that affect us inside
her. We are almost as one with her moods
and joyfulness at carrying us around.
After birth, we grow
used to the many outside influences that carry us through our childhood and our
innocence is often destroyed by experiences that occur. We move through the maturity of being young
and happy, striving for a career and to start a family of our own.
We take on the
responsibilities that are presented to us of providing for the family needs and
for the requirements of our parents who are now becoming older and cannot so
easily cope and manage for themselves.
Along the way, we
find that not everybody lives out a full life and some cannot cope with the
demands that it makes on them. When they
leave this world, it presents a hole that cannot easily be filled. Was it the loss of a sibling, a lover or a
mentor, that was seemingly snatched away from us?
Along the way, we
are asked questions and we need time to explore the answers. We have to start to understand the philosophy
of life and decide whether or not we wish to turn towards the Light of Understanding
or to turn away into the Darkness of Ignorance.
We all come here
into the womb with the unconditional love of Our Creator. We are protected by that love until we decide
that we no longer want it. For many of
us, that is never, as we realise that we cannot cope alone and call out for
divine help in our daily lives.
We find that there
is a Higher Intelligence, who serves us as we wish to serve humanity. The more that we give love to our neighbours
and family, the more love we will be given and so we reach a stage on our
Pathway of Life, where we need to understand where we are and what we are
“Are we at the beginning of the end or the end of the beginning?” Have we developed sufficiently in our
spiritual thoughts and actions to cast away those L-plates of initiation,
because we know the way that we are directed through our own guides and helpers
to live in the now according to Spiritual Law?
We are all given
gifts to develop for the Greater Good and it is up to us to realise that we
need to trust in the Almighty and in those guides and helpers, who give without
question for us to do well, if we follow the path where they direct us.
Question the
physical and material values and teachings, but believe and trust in the
spiritual words that are given to you.
Know your own mind and listen to the conscience that you have been given
and be sure that what you do feels right and kosher and always test the Spirit,
who will never let you down.
I say good night and God bless you all,
13th November 2016
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