Monday, June 6, 2016

Gossops Green, Crawley, West Sussex 2016 I

I wanted to talk to you about something that so many people really fail to understand and yet it is the basis of all spiritual understanding.  We all need to know who we are, what we are meant to be doing and why we are here in the first place.

          Firstly we were created in ‘God’s’ own image.  We all know this because it is so often quoted from the Bible, “God created man in his own image.”

          How do we know this?  How many here can honestly say that they have seen God and know what he looks like?

          If we are made in His image then perhaps we should all look the same.  Does God have short legs or long legs?  Does he have a beard or does he shave?  Does he have breasts to feed his children?

          We were all made in the image of God, which is the spirit within us; all that was pure and perfect at our creation and that was so for each and every one of us.  At that moment of creation and, all other moments like it, we are all equally a part of the Almighty Creator.

          As we live and have experiences, so we are affected by them.  We have emotions such as love and compassion.  We are trained in Spirit and prepared for a life on earth to develop and mature.

          Physically our parents are chosen and, as they make love, a physical body is prepared for us to use for our lifetime here on this plane of existence.  As soon as we enter that body, we are affected by the vibrational energies of the mother, the family and the world in general.

          By the time we are born on earth, we are all different and, although raised in love on the Spirit side of life, we experience other emotions through the vibrational energies of the one who carries us.

          Not all babies are born into a loving environment and many are suffering abuse before they have breathed their first breath of earthly air.  For those of you who were born in love, be grateful and for those who weren’t, try and understand why.

          We were all born and given a life on earth to fulfil a need or a destiny.  Our spiritual memory was compressed before we came and we may not know our mission that we came to fulfil.

          But we never come alone and we all have a guide with much experience to help us and protect us.  We should never lose touch with this great source of guidance, which together with our conscience will always show us the way to go.

          It will be through this valuable association that we will be prepared for our lives to be lived in such a way that we are able to fulfil the reason why we chose to come and why we chose the pathway that we walk.

          We will take many wrong turnings, but all are not wasted, as we are on this mighty learning curve of experience to develop ourselves into a worthy soul, which is objective enough, before we return to Spirit at the end of our earthly time here.

          We never know when that will be, as it was part of the experience to know that it could be at any time and that we must fulfil our tasks before returning.  We should not return emptyhanded, but with merits of our lifetime clearly displayed for all to see.

          Apart from our individual tasks that we have signed up to perform, we all come with the express wishes of the Higher Intelligence that we should all love one another and exist in peace and harmony, sharing what we have for the Greater Good.

          Humanity has long lost its way in putting aside greed and corruption, but there is no reason why we, as individuals, shouldn’t live by Spiritual Law, knowing that we reap what we sow and that this goes for all aspects of our lives.

          We are all interconnected and so there is a greater or communal soul, which we are all part of and the more we contribute to that by standing up for the righteousness and goodness that Our Creator has given us, the more that, as a race, we can overcome the misdirection that so many observe.

          We were given the creative power of thought and thought is powerful indeed.  Where we send out our thoughts into this world for the healing and protection of those who are weaker than we are, we will bring stability simply by asking and not being afraid to face our God and letting Him know what we want from the Spirit to make this world a better place.

I leave you with that and may God bless you all,

Red Cloud
Sunday, 5th June 2016

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