Monday, August 18, 2014

Gossops Green, Crawley, West Sussex 2014 II

Since we were last all here together, the world has become a hotbed of war and there is additional killing through famine and disease.  What is Mankind thinking about?

The western nations are not yet free of the responsibilities of their global Imperial conquests, where they have invaded the innocent nations because they could and have torn up the rule book of those countries to inflict their own.

What they left behind was a confused and largely illiterate nation that hadn’t the experience of how to live and survive in a modern world and those who tried became corrupt and greedy and the nation’s wealth was dissipated and drained away from the people.

After World War I there were treaties that split up the Middle East according to the dictates of the British and French politicians, while the Americans watched.  These artificial areas and boundaries are largely responsible for the mess in the Middle East today.

Ethnic considerations where ignored, as the Ottoman Empire was divided according to the whims of politicians and not according to the natural boundaries of the people’s belief systems and requirements.

Now the worm has turned and the repercussions of bad decision making, by strong greedy nations for their own ends, are erupting into violence and hatred.  Until Mankind is able to replace his anger and hate with unconditional love, there can be no peaceful solution.

As the climatic changes continue to occur, there is structural damage and agricultural mayhem, bringing whole areas to their knees, as famine and drought cause starvation and disease takes hold to thin out the population.

I am talking to you of these unpleasant things tonight, hoping that you will hold all these things in your prayers, or if you prefer in your thoughts, that you put out, asking the Higher Intelligence to find a way to forgive the atrocities of Man’s mistakes and errors and to bring peace and love into the hearts of those who kill.

The solutions to the problems facing us all at this time, will not be found by humanity on its own.  The Universal Intelligence, which enacts Spiritual Law, causes all to face the fact that what we sow, so do we reap.  This is the fundamental basis of all Law in the Heavens and on the Earth.

Many times in the past, if you care to read the history of Mankind, the Higher Intelligence, who you may still call God, sent emissaries or prophets to give warning that if the people continued to behave badly, the Law would be fulfilled and destruction would be unleashed.

Many times have we all been warned as a human race and nobody listens.  Here on this very earth the Catholic Church is rotten with abuse and corruption, the Islamic Faith is conquering and applying Sharia Law of abuse against women and anyone who will not agree with them and the Jews are committing Genocide in Palestine.

These are not interpretations according to where you stand or what news you happen to follow, but most regrettably are true and the other nations around the world are applying Band Aids to these awful wounds and carrying on in the same old way.

If we want a world for our children to grow up in, where they will be safe and where they will be happy, then we must address the global problems by getting down on our knees and asking for spiritual help from our Creator, because the time has come when we need more than helping that old lady across the street to get to Heaven.

We must all examine our own consciences and listen to our guides, who love us and are here to help us.  They know what we are here to do for the Greater Good and it is time that all of us here, who purport to be spiritual, do what is in our spiritual hearts and minds for the Greater Good.

At least we must turn to face our Creator and look him in the eye and ask what we should do to bring peace and harmony back to this planet through his unconditional love to all of us.  Amen to that.

God bless you all,

Red Cloud
Sunday, 17th August 2014

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