Monday, March 24, 2014

Gossops Green, Crawley, West Sussex 2014 I

“The thoughts that you emanate are worthy of note.  This is a congregation that comes naturally to this haven of light at a time when there is so much darkness in the world.

“‘We’ are able to look down on the world and see with sadness how few people are even thinking about the consequences of Mankind’s continual blundering about in a sea of corruption and greed at the expense of the people themselves, who they purport to serve.

“It is the worthy ones, who still carry the torch of brightness and hope, that continue to smile at the unworthy around them, but still to do charitable work without even thinking about the cost in time or money when it is needed, just because you can.

“You need to know, in case it has escaped you that you are among the few.  It was a phrase that was used in the Second World War for the young pilots, who flew at risk to their own lives to keep the skies clear of the German Luftwaffe.

“This evening I use it again to commend you for your diligence and your unconditional love, which you give unstintingly in this small area of the world, where there is still hope and love, because you care.

“So many souls walking this earth plane of existence do so more in sorrow than in hope.  Whole countries are being destroyed and the high-handed are still lording it over the small and more vulnerable nations.

“‘We’, in the Spirit Realms, are not idle as ‘We’ watch the everyday sagas that evolve all round this world.  ‘We’ are very conscious in our duties to help and guide those who ask us, but ‘We’ are powerless to intervene so often, when it involves the rights governed by freewill to guide the pathways of the people.

“Freewill is granted as a right to every created soul on this earth plane and they are entitled to use it for better or for worse.  They are still bound by Spiritual Law and will have the opportunity to explain their choices at a later date, where kindly souls of much experience will listen, but not judge.

“At this time, souls are exposed to the Light of the Almighty and in that light they will see the unequivocal truth and reality of the rights and wrongs of their earthly actions.  We all come to this when we return home to that dimension, which we all came from.

“No one escapes the scrutiny of their lives and actions and nobody is exempt from understanding the meanings of what they have done.  We all move on from there with things to address and lessons learned.

“When we stand before the realities of what we have done, we are exposed to the thoughts and actions of unconditional love that we have given to others, as you all send out your kindly and positive thoughts of love and healing.

“It is to you that I am taking this opportunity to say that your works are not unknown to us, who work and watch the progress of souls, who understand that the reality of life is through our own efforts to give and not to want for themselves all the time.

“It is enough to have enough and to spare some of that for souls less fortunate than we are and so we share in harmony and keep the peace wherever we can.  It is not always easy, but still we continue to give and not to expect.

“The rewards are in the giving and in the receiving, where freedom of action is a mighty choice to make, so allow the good energies to flow and be prepared when it is your time to give and your time to receive.

“We are all deserving according to our thoughts and actions and our Creator sees all and gives according to our desserts, which we have earned by our goodness and sometimes soiled with our mistakes.

“However, we are human and if we learn the difference between earthly fears and spiritual advancement, we can progress and help others by our actions and our thoughts to have a better time of it, because we came and because we cared, then that will be our reward.

God bless you all.”

Red Cloud
Sunday, 23rd March 2014

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