Monday, February 9, 2015

Gossops Green, Crawley, West Sussex 2015 I

To be here again talking to you is a good thing for ‘Us’ and ‘We’ hope an enlightening experience for you.  ‘We’ have to take the opportunities which are allowed from your Appointments Secretary to address you on a regular basis at your Divine Services.

It is an uplifting time for ‘Us’ to experience your positive vibrations that rise up and out of this tiny building to be spread out into the Universe and beyond.  ‘We’ feel welcomed here and, although ‘We’ do attend other venues, this is one of ‘Our’ greatest joys, because there are so many souls in their spirit bodies, who take the opportunity to come close and enjoy your company.

‘We’ thought tonight that rather than preaching to you of the right way to live and how badly the world is being treated by the heartless and the greedy, ‘We’ would explain a little more about what goes on, while you attend a gathering, such as this, and lift your hearts and souls in thanks to your Creator, who gave you life and ‘His’ unconditional love.

It is Spirit’s practice to come here earlier in the day and to cleanse any negativity that has perhaps crept in since we last called here.  Negative energies behave like smoke, as they can drift around in clouds, and without proper protection, they can get in to your homes and meeting places.

It is always a good idea to do a regular cleansing from room to room and especially at the portals, where so many people arrive with all their troubles and so often, without realising it, they bring negative energies into your homes and even into your places of worship.

Spirit come to cleanse for their own protection as well as yours, as without it they can be severely affected by the reduction in the vibrations of ‘Their’ positive energy and may become less affective because of it.

You no doubt would understand this, as on some days you are buoyant and powerful and feel that you can achieve almost anything and, on others, you are slow and lacklustre and would rather stay away from your duties of the day.

You may not be fully aware that by the time your Divine Service starts here in Gossops Green, there are very many souls, who have made the journey from their Spirit places where they are residing, to attend to you here.

Some are friends or family or lovers, who have moved on, and yet still take an active interest in your daily lives.  They help to guide you into making the right and positive decisions, which are so often needed.

Your Spirit Guides and helpers are always near you and you are never left alone or let down by the Spirit Forces beyond these earthly physical boundaries.

You are always loved and you are always helped.  Your thoughts are heard, as they are directed out into the Universe to those who frequent the same wavelengths and they can pick up your requests and your suggestions.

All requests will be answered according to the spirit in which you ask them, and if you live rightly and care about others, then they will receive that healing and love – for they can receive according to their own achievements and helpfulness, which in turn they have given to others.

All things are based on Spiritual Law and, as ‘The Master Jesus’ so clearly told us, “You reap what you sow.”  It is also true, as ‘He’ said, that by your fruits you are known.  When you arrive on Spirit side of life, you will see and be seen according to your achievements.

Nothing on the Spirit side can be hidden, as it so often is on the earth plane, as people hide behind words and actions, which are not the truth and sometimes they appear to get away with it.  But everything is transparent to ‘Us’ in Spirit and nothing can be hidden, so in the end, all actions and even thoughts, have to be addressed and acknowledged.

Remember the love that is showered on you from those who have passed beyond this earth plane and who have addressed their failings and errors according to the Law.  They have now earned that right to help and give love to those who are in need.

Do not go home tonight without thinking on this, and learning from the words that are given, so that you may go forward and make the right decisions in your lives, to enhance your progress and to serve the Greater Good.

Always have the courage to listen to your conscience and obey that gut feeling to do what is right, and not to simply sweep your problems under the carpet, because then they can never go away!

God bless you all,

 Red Cloud
Sunday, 8th February 2015